Monday, February 11, 2013

GV Mondays :)

Despite having a set bedtime routine, E still refuses to sleep until 2am. Lately, she's been sleeping on our bed because whenever we put her down on her crib after rocking her to sleep, she'd wake up again and we're back from where we started 2 hours ago. So I would lay her down between us, feed her, and cuddle until she falls asleep. My neck and upper back ache all the time because I haven't found a comfortable sleeping position yet. But what I've found is the best view of my family: my daughter and husband sleeping peacefully, their long eyelashes fluttering, their mouths slightly opened, and sometimes they would sigh softly and stir at the same time. Before closing my eyes, I say a little prayer of thanks to Him for giving me such a beautiful family. The best thing that I have in my life.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Storytelling Time

story time with papa and mama
Reading books to E has been part of our daily routine and we all love it. We don't do it because we want E to become a genius or read independently by age two, we do it so she'll love books as much as we do. It's also fun to make silly voices and sound effects whenever we read to her. She still doesn't have a favorite book so we read our own favorites for now. C and I both love the Knufflebunny trilogy so much that we bought E a rabbit and named it Knucklebunny!

E @ 1 month with Knucklebunny
Personally, I love singing the lullaby from Robert Munsch's book, "Love You Forever," to E even when she was still in my tummy. It goes: I love you forever/ I like you for always/ As long as I'm living/ My baby you'll be. Here's a video clip of Joey (from Friends) reading the book:

Some helpful resources if you want to build your own collection of children's books:
50 best books for kids (Time Out New York)
67 books every geek should read to their kids before age 10 (Wired)